Daily Archives: February 11, 2012

Seeing the origin of our food

Looking undistractedly into the animal-derived foods produced by modern methods, we inescapably find misery, cruelty, and exploitation.

We therefore avoid looking deeply at our food if it is of animal origin, and this practice of avoidance and denial, applied to eating, our most basic activity and vital ritual, carries over automatically into our entire public and private life.

We know, deep down, that we cannot look deeply anywhere, for if we do, we will have to look deeply into the enormous suffering our food choices directly cause.

May all beings be free and at peace,  Will

New offering: Prayer Circle for Saturday
Prayers for animals enslaved in entertainment, such as, zoos, circuses, rodeos, aquariums, theme parks, canned hunts, etc.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all the beings used in the human entertainment industry.

Dear dolphins, whales, horses, bulls, elephants, bears, lambs, pigs, sea otters, fish, elks, deer, rhinos, hippos, alligators, snakes, polar bears, lions, tigers, gorillas, chimpanzees, and all of you who are incarcerated when you want your freedom so much; who remember your parents being killed so that you could be captured; who are forced often with whips, chains, and electric prods to perform unnatural tricks; who are treated without respecting the dignity of your true nature.

Together, we bear witness to your suffering, take action to bring it to a permanent end, and send out our energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the violent oppression of all of you.

Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman)

http://worldpeacediet.com – our daily VegInspiration For The Day
http://circleofcompassion.org – our Prayer Circle For Animals Weekly Update
http://worldpeacemastery.com – our new online self-paced WPD Facilitator Training

Original watercolor painting by Madeleine Tuttle


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