Conversion of plant carbs to fat and protein

The destructive agricultural system now in place devastates millions of acres of forest and grassland in order to grow corn, soybeans, wheat, and other grains and legumes for animals, who convert plant carbohydrate into profitable and unhealthy fat and protein.

The food and medical industries are guaranteed lucrative incomes at the expense of starving people, wildlife, aquifers, biosystems, and future generations. Ironically, we’re growing far more grain than we could ever eat ourselves.

The billions of dollars invested in hospitals, drugs, and pharmaceutical and medical facilities require a reliable and steady flow of clogged arteries and cancers to stay profitable and pay back the bankers in the background.

May all beings be free and at peace,  Will

New offering: Prayer Circle for Wednesday
Today let us send our prayers to all animals vivisected in laboratories and classrooms.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all animals used in experiments. Dear primates, dogs, cats, mice; rats, pigs, lambs, rabbits, frogs, and all of you who are imprisoned in cages, tortured in useless experiments, separated from your loved ones, and suffering constant pain, fear, and loneliness, sometimes for many long years.

Dear ones, we bear witness to your suffering, we take action to permanently end it, and we continually send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support this violent oppression.

We send our tears and our prayers on wings of love to you. Our love is all around you.

Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.

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