Daily Archives: September 27, 2014

And a radical too

icebears by visionary artist Madeleine TuttleVegInspiration
Jesus’ message was intolerably radical, for it was the revolutionary vegan message of mercy and love for all creatures that strikes directly at the mentality of domination and exclusion that underlies both the herding culture we live in today and the culture of Jesus’ time.

Prayer Circle for Today
Prayers for wild animals being trapped, hunted, caged and/or killed for fur, flesh, leather, trophies, the pet trade, etc., and for wild animals being forced into stress and extinction due to loss of habitat.

May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all free-living animals.

Dear bears, foxes, cougars, deer, alligators, wild horses, wolves, prairie dogs, primates, mink, bison, beavers, elephants, birds, fish, whales, and all the other magnificent beings born in freedom and suffering now at the hands of human beings, living in fear of human beings, and mourning the loss of loved ones who have been tortured and either imprisoned or killed.

Together, we bear witness to your suffering, take action to end it forever, and send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the violent oppression of all of you. We send our tears and prayers on wings of love to you.

Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.

( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman www.peacetoallbeings.com)

www.worldpeacediet.com – our daily VegInspiration For The Day
www.circleofcompassion.org – our Prayer Circle For Animals Weekly Update
www.facebook.com/groups/prayercircleforanimals – our Prayer Circle For Animals Facebook Group
www.worldpeacemastery.com – our online self-paced WPD Facilitator Training
www.facebook.com/groups/worldpeacediet – our WPD Facebook Group

Original watercolor painting by Madeleine Tuttle madeleinetuttle.com

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