Daily Archives: May 25, 2010



I’d like to remind you about the complimentary World Peace Diet Teleclass that I’llbe presenting tomorrow, Tuesday, May 25, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific time (8 pm Eastern)through Global Teleclass. If you’d like to sign up, and tell friends and colleagues,please go here to register:

The class is entitled “The World Peace Diet: Eating For Empowerment, Health, and Freedom,” and is one hour long, and is a valuable opportunity to receive additional material about The World Peace Diet, with exercises, insights, and transformative ideas that can help you or anyone you know attain greater inner peace, health, joy,and contribute to the healing of our world. Please spread the word if you can.

A couple more things! I’ve just written a new article shining light on our growing
environmental problems and the roots of solving them: “The War on Terra”Please check it out if you can.

Since The World Peace Diet became a #1 Amazon best-seller (thanks again to everyone who contributed to this amazing effort!), we’ve been busy speaking throughout California in many places, including WorldFest, Farm Sanctuary, SF Meat Out, SF State U., and we have more events scheduled over the summer, with the autumn bringing us back east again for the World Peace & Yoga conference in Cincinnati, where we’ll be offering another WPD Facilitator Training the October 24 weekend.

If you would like to get a glimpse into our solar-powered rolling home, our friends Robert Cheeke (www.veganbodybuilding.com) and Whitney Lauritsen (www.ecovegangal.com) created a spontaneous video which has a beautiful ending:

Finally, Madeleine was so inspired recently by a beautiful little rescued pig at the New York Farm Sanctuary named Fiona, and has prints of her watercolor painting available online now! They’re signed & numbered, and if you respond before May 28,there’s a special thank-you discount available. Click here to check it out:
Deep thanks to the many people who have helped facilitate the recent events in San Francisco, Redding, Paradise, Orland, Santa Maria, Thousand Oaks, L.A., Modesto, and the many internet and radio events as well.  And thanks to you for your efforts to promote peace, justice, freedom, and joy for all! Let us know if you’d like to sponsor an event in your area. Hope you can listen in tomorrow! Here’s the link again: 

That’s it for now,
Will & Madeleine

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